Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CGeometryGeometry Settings
 COdinPulseAdvandced RF pulses
 CProtocolProtocol proxy
 CRecoAdcBaselineadc_baseline: Baseline correction of ADCs
 CRecoAdcGridPrepadc_gridprep: Prepare ADC for gridding (ramp sampling)
 CRecoAdcPadadc_pad: Pad missing points by zeroes
 CRecoAdcReflectadc_reflect: Reflect ADC if recoReflectBit is set
 CRecoAdcWeightadc_weight: Weight ADC using weightVec
 CRecoB1Fitb1fit: B1-mapping method based on: Fast, Accurate, and Precise Mapping of the RF Field In Vivo Using the 180 Signal Null. Dowell et al., Magn Reson Med 58 (2007)
 CRecoBladeCombbladecomb: Pre-processing of PROPELLER blades: coordinate rotation for gridding
 CRecoBladeCorrbladecorr: Pre-processing of PROPELLER blades: phase correction
 CRecoBladeGridgridblade: grid kspace center of single blades
 CRecoChannelSumchansum: Combine images from different channels
 CRecoCircMaskcircmask: Cut out central circular region
 CRecoCollectoraveragecoll, chancoll, chanrepcoll, chanrepslicecoll, cyclecoll, driftcoll, echocoll, freqcoll, image, kspace, line3dcoll, repcoll, slicecoll, tecoll, usercoll: Collect data in one or more dimensions
 CRecoConjPhaseFTconjphase: Discrete Fourier transform with conjugate-phase correction according to field map
 CRecoCycleRotcyclerot: In-plane rotation according to cycle index
 CRecoDeapodizedeapodize1d, deapodize2d: De-apodize gridded data in 2 dimensions
 CRecoDebugdebug: Write messages to log
 CRecoDriftCalcdriftcalc: Calculate field drift for each repetition
 CRecoDriftCorrdriftcorr: Correct for linear field drift over repetitions
 CRecoDTIdti: DTI preprocessing
 CRecoDumpdump: Dump current data in reconstruction pipeline
 CRecoEpiNavCorrepinavcorr: Apply Siemens EPI phase correction
 CRecoEpiNavScanepinavscan: Calculate and post data for Siemens EPI phase correction
 CRecoExpFitexpfit: Fit exponential decay constant using x-values associated with 'userdef' dimension
 CRecoFFTfft: Fast Fourier Transform
 CRecoFieldMapfieldmap: Calculate fieldmap
 CRecoFilterfilter: Lowpass filter in k-space with plateau at the center
 CRecoFMRIfmri: Simple fMRI analysis for fMRI localizer
 CRecoFreqCombfreqcomb: Combine multi-frequency images using fieldmap
 CRecoGrappagrappa, grappa3d: Perform GRAPPA interpolation in dimension 'line3d'
 CRecoGrappaWeightsgrappaweights, grappaweights3d, grappaweightstempl, grappaweightstempl3d: Calculate GRAPPA weights in dimension 'line3d' and post them on the blackboard with the label 'grappaweights_line3d'
 CRecoGridgrid1d, grid2d: Grid signal data with arbitrary k-space trajectory in 2 dimensions
 CRecoGridCutgridcut: Cut out central part of image to remove effects from gridding on a denser grid
 CRecoHalfFourhalffour: Mirror k-space of half-Fourier acquisition
 CRecoHomodynehomodyne: Homodyne reconstruction of partial Fourier data
 CRecoMagnmagn: Only take magnitude and set phase to zero
 CRecoMessermesser: Postprocessing for MESSER sequence
 CRecoMipmip: Maximum intensity projection in slice direction
 CRecoMultiFreqmultifreq: Generate multi-frequency ADCs based on fieldmap
 CRecoOffsetoffset: Create phase gradient in k-space so that image is shifted after FFT
 CRecoOversamplingoversampling: Remove oversampling in readout direction in image domain
 CRecoPhaseCorrphasecorr: Apply echo-by-echo phase correction
 CRecoPhaseCoursephasecourse: Combine phase timecourse from multi-channel data
 CRecoPhaseMapphasemap: Calculate and post phasemap for echo-by-echo phase correction
 CRecoPilotpilot: Modify geometry for pilot output
 CRecoPostpost: Post data on blackboard
 CRecoQualityControlSpikeqcspike: Check for spikes in data
 CRecoRealreal: Throw away imaginary part of data and keep only real part
 CRecoRefGainrefgain: Calculate reference gain (Bruker)
 CRecoSliceTimeslicetime: Slice-time correction for data with multiple repetitions
 CRecoSlidingWindowslidingwindow: Generate sliding window data
 CRecoSplitterchansplit, repsplit: Split data in one or more dimensions
 CRecoStorestore: Store reconstructed images
 CRecoSumaveragesum, cyclesum, repmagnsum, repsum: Sum up data in one or more dimensions
 CRecoSwiswi: Susceptibility weighted imaging
 CRecoSwitchswitch: Branch off different flows through reconstruction pipeline
 CRecoT1Fitt1fit: Calculate T1 relaxation time using data from Look-Locker sequence
 CRecoZeroFillzerofill: Fill k-space with zeroes to match matrix size of protocol
 CRotMatrixRotation Matrix
 CSampleVirtual Sample for Simulation
 CSeqAcqDephPre-read dephasing
 CSeqAcqEPIAcquisition + echo-planar imaging readout
 CSeqAcqReadAcquisition + readout gradient
 CSeqAcqSpiralAcquisition + spiral gradient
 CSeqBlSiegPrepBloch-Siegert preparation module for B1-mapping
 CSeqDecouplingDecoupling period
 CSeqDelayTiming delay
 CSeqDelayVectorVector of variable timing delays
 CSeqDiffWeightDiffusion Weighting
 CSeqDiffWeightFlowCompFlow-Compensated Diffusion Weighting
 CSeqFieldMapMulti-echo module for field-map pre-scan
 CSeqGradConstConstant gradient
 CSeqGradConstPulseConstant gradient pulse
 CSeqGradDelayGradient delay
 CSeqGradEchoGradient echo module
 CSeqGradPhaseEncPhase Encoding
 CSeqGradPhaseEncFlowCompFlow-Compensated Phase Encoding
 CSeqGradRampGradient Ramp
 CSeqGradTrapezTrapezoidal gradient
 CSeqGradTrapezParallel3 simultaneous trapezoids
 CSeqGradVectorVector of constant gradients
 CSeqGradVectorPulseVector of gradient pulses
 CSeqGradWaveGradient Waveform
 CSeqHaltInput trigger
 CSeqMagnResetMagnetization reset
 CSeqMethodBase class for methods (sequences)
 CSeqObjListContainer for sequence objects
 CSeqObjLoopSequence Loop
 CSeqObjVectorVector to loop over sequence objects
 CSeqParsSequence Parameter proxy
 CSeqPulsRF pulse
 CSeqPulsarPulsar pulses, combines OdinPulse and SeqPulsNdim
 CSeqPulsarBPConst pulse
 CSeqPulsarGaussGauss pulse
 CSeqPulsarRephPost-pulse rephaser
 CSeqPulsarSatSaturation pulse
 CSeqPulsarSincSinc pulse
 CSeqPulsNdimRF Pulse + gradients
 CSeqRotMatrixVectorVector of SeqRotMatrix's
 CSeqSatSaturation pulse + spoilers
 CSeqSimIntervalTime interval for simulation
 CSeqSimMagsiMAGSI-based Magnetization Simulator
 CSeqSnapshotMagnetization snapshot
 CSeqTriggerOutput trigger
 CSeqVecIterIterator for vectors
 CStudyStudy information
 CSystemSystem proxy