Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
00odin.h | |
adc.h | |
b1fit.h | |
blackboard.h | |
blade.h | |
bladegrid.h | |
boolbutton.h | |
channel.h | |
circmask.h | |
collector.h | |
collector_code.h | |
complex1d.h | |
complexdata.h | |
config.h | |
conjphase.h | |
controller.h | |
converter.h | |
correlation.h | |
odindata/data.h | |
odinreco/data.h | |
debug.h | |
driftcorr.h | |
dti.h | |
dump.h | |
enumbox.h | |
epinavcorr.h | |
expfit.h | |
fft.h | |
fieldmap.h | |
fileio.h | |
fileio_opts.h | |
odindata/filter.h | |
odinreco/filter.h | |
filter_align.h | |
filter_clip.h | |
filter_cluster.h | |
filter_convolve.h | |
filter_detrend.h | |
filter_edit.h | |
filter_flip.h | |
filter_inv.h | |
filter_lowpass.h | |
filter_mask.h | |
filter_merge.h | |
filter_morph.h | |
filter_nan.h | |
filter_range.h | |
filter_reduction.h | |
filter_resize.h | |
filter_reslice.h | |
filter_rot.h | |
filter_scale.h | |
filter_shift.h | |
filter_slicetime.h | |
filter_splice.h | |
filter_step.h | |
filter_tile.h | |
fitting.h | |
float1d.h | |
float2d.h | |
float3d.h | |
floatedit.h | |
fmri.h | |
gencoil.cpp | |
genmakefile.cpp | |
gensample.cpp | |
geoedit.h | |
geoeditlabel.h | |
geoeditview.h | |
geometry.h | |
grappa.h | |
grappa_code.h | |
grid.h | |
grid_code.h | |
gridding.h | |
halffour.h | |
homodyne.h | |
icons.h | |
image.h | |
index.h | |
intedit.h | |
integration.h | |
ldrarrays.h | |
ldrbase.h | |
ldrblock.h | |
ldrblockwidget.h | |
ldrfilter.h | |
ldrfunction.h | |
ldrnumbers.h | |
ldrser.h | |
ldrtypes.h | |
ldrwidget.h | |
linalg.h | |
manual.h | |
measindex.h | |
messer.h | |
micalc.cpp | |
miconv.cpp | |
mip.h | |
miview.h | |
miview_fmri.h | |
miview_rois.h | |
miviewview.h | |
multifreq.h | |
odin.h | |
odincomp.h | |
odinconf.h | |
odindebugger.h | |
odindialog_debug.h | |
odindialog_idea.h | |
odindialog_kspace.h | |
odindialog_new.h | |
odindialog_process.h | |
odindialog_progress.h | |
odindialog_pulsar.h | |
odindialog_system.h | |
odindialog_tree.h | |
odinmethod.h | |
odinpara.h | |
odinplot.h | |
odinplot_range.h | |
odinplot_vtk.h | |
odinpulse.h | |
odinqt.h | |
odinqt_callback.h | |
odinreco.h | |
odinview.h | |
offset.h | |
oversampling.h | |
phasecorr.h | |
phasecourse.h | |
pilot.h | |
plot.h | |
protocol.h | |
pulsar.h | |
pulsarview.h | |
qualitycontrol.h | |
reader.h | |
reader_custom.h | |
reader_ismrmrd.h | |
reader_odin.h | |
reco.h | |
refgain.h | |
sample.h | |
seqacq.h | |
seqacqdeph.h | |
seqacqepi.h | |
seqacqread.h | |
seqacqspiral.h | |
seqall.h | |
seqblsiegprep.h | |
seqclass.h | |
seqcmdline.h | |
seqcounter.h | |
seqdec.h | |
seqdelay.h | |
seqdelayvec.h | |
seqdiffweight.h | |
seqdriver.h | |
seqdur.h | |
seqfreq.h | |
seqgrad.h | |
seqgradchan.h | |
seqgradchanlist.h | |
seqgradchanparallel.h | |
seqgradconst.h | |
seqgradecho.h | |
seqgradobj.h | |
seqgradphase.h | |
seqgradpulse.h | |
seqgradramp.h | |
seqgradspiral.h | |
seqgradtrapez.h | |
seqgradvec.h | |
seqgradwave.h | |
seqlist.h | |
seqloop.h | |
seqmakefile.h | |
seqmeth.h | |
seqobj.h | |
seqobjvec.h | |
seqoperator.h | |
seqparallel.h | |
seqpars.h | |
seqphase.h | |
seqplatform.h | |
seqplot.h | |
seqpuls.h | |
seqpulsar.h | |
seqpulsndim.h | |
seqrotmatrixvector.h | |
seqsat.h | |
seqsim.h | |
seqsimvec.h | |
seqtemplate.h | |
seqtree.h | |
seqtrigg.h | |
seqvec.h | |
seqveciter.h | |
slicetime.h | |
slidingwindow.h | |
splitter.h | |
splitter_code.h | |
statistics.h | |
odindata/step.h | |
odinreco/step.h | |
step_code.h | |
store.h | |
stringbox.h | |
study.h | |
sum.h | |
sum_code.h | |
swab.cpp | |
swi.h | |
switch.h | |
system.h | |
t1fit.h | |
tjarray.h | |
tjcomplex.h | |
tjcstd.h | |
tjembed.h | |
tjfeedback.h | |
tjhandler.h | |
tjhandler_code.h | |
tjheap.h | |
tjindex.h | |
tjlabel.h | |
tjlist.h | |
tjlist_code.h | |
tjlog.h | |
tjlog_code.h | |
tjnumeric.h | |
tjprocess.h | |
tjprofiler.h | |
tjstate.h | |
tjstatic.h | |
tjstd.h | |
tjstream.h | |
tjstring.h | |
tjtest.h | |
tjthread.h | |
tjthread_code.h | |
tjtools.h | |
tjtypes.h | |
tjutils.h | |
tjvallist.h | |
tjvector.h | |
utils.h | |
zerofill.h | |