Command-line utilities

miconv: Conversion utility for medical images

micalc: Basic calculations with medical image data

miview: View medical images

odinreco: Automatic image reconstruction for ODIN sequences

gencoil: Generate a coil file

genmakefile: Generate a Makefile for ODIN sequences

gensample: Generate a sample file

swab: Swap adjacent bytes

For command-line-based simulation of Odin sequences (e.g. for sequence 'mysequence'):

  • Create a Makefile using 'genmakefile' on the command line:
       genmakefile mysequence > Makefile
  • Copy mysequence.cpp to the same directory, then use 'make' to build the executable 'mysequence'
  • Calling the executable without arguments shows the options. For instance, the simulation can be started with:
       mysequence simulate -magsi -s <The virtual sample file> -p <The file with the measurement protocol> -scandir <output-dir>