This is the complete list of members for OdinPulse, including all inherited members.
append(R item) | List< I, P, R > | |
append_copy(const LDRbase &src) | LDRblock | |
append_member(LDRbase &ldr, const STD_string ldrlabel="") | LDRblock | protected |
clear() | List< I, P, R > | |
clear_container() | SeqClass | inlineprotectedvirtual |
clear_containers() | SeqClass | protectedstatic |
clear_temporary() | SeqClass | protectedstatic |
compare(const LDRblock &rhs, const STD_list< STD_string > *exclude=0, double accuracy=0.0) const | LDRblock | |
constiter typedef | List< I, P, R > | |
copy_ldr_vals(const LDRblock &src) | LDRblock | |
create_copy(const LDRblock &src) | LDRblock | |
create_copy() const | LDRblock | inlinevirtual |
generate() | OdinPulse | |
get_alternatives() const | LDRbase | inlinevirtual |
get_B1() const | OdinPulse | |
get_B10() const | OdinPulse | |
get_begin() | List< I, P, R > | inline |
get_composite_pulse_parameters() const | OdinPulse | |
get_consider_Nyquist_cond() const | OdinPulse | |
get_consider_system_cond() const | OdinPulse | |
get_const_begin() const | List< I, P, R > | inline |
get_const_end() const | List< I, P, R > | inline |
get_description() const | LDRbase | inline |
get_dim_mode() const | OdinPulse | |
get_end() | List< I, P, R > | inline |
get_field_of_excitation() const | OdinPulse | |
get_filemode() const | LDRbase | inlinevirtual |
get_filter() const | OdinPulse | |
get_filter_parameter(const STD_string ¶meter_label) const | OdinPulse | |
get_flipangle() const | OdinPulse | |
get_flipangle_corr_factor() const | OdinPulse | |
get_G0() const | OdinPulse | |
get_Grad(direction channel) const | OdinPulse | |
get_gui_props() const | LDRbase | inlinevirtual |
get_jdx_props() const | LDRbase | inline |
get_label() const | Labeled | inline |
get_maxval() const | LDRbase | inlinevirtual |
get_minval() const | LDRbase | inlinevirtual |
get_nucleus() const | OdinPulse | |
get_numof_composite_pulse() const | OdinPulse | |
get_parameter(const STD_string &ldrlabel) | LDRblock | |
get_parameter_by_id(int id) | LDRblock | |
get_parmode() const | LDRbase | inlinevirtual |
get_parx_code(parxCodeType type) const | LDRblock | virtual |
get_power_depos() const | OdinPulse | |
get_pulse_gain() const | OdinPulse | |
get_pulse_type() const | OdinPulse | |
get_rel_center() const | OdinPulse | |
get_shape() const | OdinPulse | |
get_shape_parameter(const STD_string ¶meter_label) const | OdinPulse | |
get_size() const | OdinPulse | |
get_spat_resolution() const | OdinPulse | |
get_spatial_offset(direction direction) const | OdinPulse | |
get_Tp() const | OdinPulse | |
get_trajectory() const | OdinPulse | |
get_trajectory_parameter(const STD_string ¶meter_label) const | OdinPulse | |
get_typeInfo(bool parx_equivtype=false) const | LDRblock | inlinevirtual |
get_unit() const | LDRbase | inline |
has_minmax() const | LDRbase | inline |
is_adiabatic() const | OdinPulse | |
is_composite_pulse() const | OdinPulse | |
is_embedded() const | LDRblock | inline |
iter typedef | List< I, P, R > | |
Labeled(const STD_string &label="unnamed") | Labeled | inline |
LDRblock(const STD_string &title="Parameter List") | LDRblock | |
LDRblock(const LDRblock &block) | LDRblock | |
List() | List< I, P, R > | |
load(const STD_string &filename, const LDRserBase &serializer=LDRserJDX()) | OdinPulse | virtual |
load_rf_waveform(const STD_string &filename) | OdinPulse | |
marshall_error() const | SeqClass | protected |
merge(LDRblock &block, bool onlyUserPars=true) | LDRblock | |
numof_pars() const | LDRblock | |
OdinPulse(const STD_string &pulse_label="unnamedOdinPulse", bool interactive=false) | OdinPulse | |
OdinPulse(const OdinPulse &pulse) | OdinPulse | |
operator<(const LDRblock &rhs) const | LDRblock | inline |
operator=(const OdinPulse &pulse) | OdinPulse | |
LDRblock::operator=(const LDRblock &block) | LDRblock | |
LDRblock::Labeled::operator=(const Labeled &l) | Labeled | inline |
LDRblock::List::operator=(const List &l) | List< I, P, R > | |
operator==(const LDRblock &rhs) const | LDRblock | inline |
operator[](unsigned int i) | LDRblock | |
operator[](unsigned int i) const | LDRblock | |
parameter_exists(const STD_string &ldrlabel) const | LDRblock | |
parse(STD_string &parstring, const LDRserBase &serializer) | LDRblock | virtual |
parseblock(const STD_string &source, const LDRserBase &serializer=LDRserJDX()) | LDRblock | |
parseval(const STD_string ¶meterName, const STD_string &value) | LDRblock | |
parsevalstring(const STD_string &, const LDRserBase *ser=0) | LDRblock | inlinevirtual |
prep() | SeqClass | inlineprotectedvirtual |
print(const LDRserBase &serializer=LDRserJDX()) const | LDRblock | virtual |
print2stream(STD_ostream &os, const LDRserBase &serializer) const | LDRblock | virtual |
printval(const STD_string ¶meterName, bool append_unit=false) const | LDRblock | |
printvalstring(const LDRserBase *ser=0) const | LDRblock | inlinevirtual |
remove(R item) | List< I, P, R > | |
resize(unsigned int newsize) | OdinPulse | |
set_composite_pulse(const STD_string &cpstring) | OdinPulse | |
set_consider_Nyquist_cond(bool flag) | OdinPulse | |
set_consider_system_cond(bool flag) | OdinPulse | |
set_description(const STD_string &descr) | LDRbase | inline |
set_dim_mode(funcMode dmode) | OdinPulse | |
set_embedded(bool embedded) | LDRblock | inline |
set_field_of_excitation(double fox) | OdinPulse | |
set_filemode(fileMode file_mode) | LDRblock | virtual |
set_filter(const STD_string &shapeval) | OdinPulse | |
set_filter_parameter(const STD_string ¶meter_label, const STD_string &value) | OdinPulse | |
set_flipangle(double angle) | OdinPulse | |
set_gui_props(const GuiProps &) | LDRbase | inlinevirtual |
set_jdx_props(const JcampDxProps &jp) | LDRbase | inline |
set_label(const STD_string &label) | Labeled | inline |
set_nucleus(const STD_string &nucleusname) | OdinPulse | |
set_parmode(parameterMode parameter_mode) | LDRblock | virtual |
set_prefix(const STD_string &prefix) | LDRblock | |
set_pulse_gain() | OdinPulse | |
set_pulse_type(pulseType type) | OdinPulse | |
set_shape(const STD_string &shapeval) | OdinPulse | |
set_shape_parameter(const STD_string ¶meter_label, const STD_string &value) | OdinPulse | |
set_spat_resolution(double sigma) | OdinPulse | |
set_spatial_offset(direction direction, double offset) | OdinPulse | |
set_temporary() | SeqClass | |
set_Tp(double duration) | OdinPulse | |
set_trajectory(const STD_string &shapeval) | OdinPulse | |
set_trajectory_parameter(const STD_string ¶meter_label, const STD_string &value) | OdinPulse | |
set_unit(const STD_string &un) | LDRbase | inline |
simulate_pulse(SeqSimAbstract &sim, const Sample &sample) const | OdinPulse | |
size() const | List< I, P, R > | inline |
unmerge(LDRblock &block) | LDRblock | |
update() | OdinPulse | virtual |
use_min_spat_resolution(bool flag) | OdinPulse | |
write(const STD_string &filename, const LDRserBase &serializer=LDRserJDX()) const | LDRblock | virtual |
write_rf_waveform(const STD_string &filename) const | OdinPulse | |
~LDRblock() | LDRblock | |
~List() | List< I, P, R > |